Time to invest

So we have heard so much lately on sustainability and how much this is contributing to our planet. Fast fashion is making an exist and we are all being challenged on how we shop and what we spend our money on. It’s time for change, but this is a slow process and takes time.

lets talk about how to start this process …….


lets talk steps….

  1. This is a slow process so don’t be harsh on yourself. The first and most important step is your heart, changing you mindset will follow.

  2. Have a look through your current wardrobe and try and workout what percentage you truly wear and I bet its not more then 50% (whatever size your wardrobe)

  3. Next, what are you missing? So this is a tricky step as you need to know a few things. If you know your colour & body Shape then its easier to know how much of your actual wardrobe suits you and what needs to go as its literally taking up space and doesn’t make you look the best you can be.

4. Key items! Its all about investing in key pieces, these being versatile and mixing well into your current wardrobe.

What sort of key items I hear you ask? …..classic shirt/blouse, blazer, coat, shoes.

If you have a selection of classics basics then its easier to work your wardrobe in, and long term get more our of your current wardrobe.

5.Think before you buy and don’t be pressured to make the purchase. There isn’t anything wrong with thinking over your item before you buy. Keep in mind what you already have, will the item you’re buying work with what you have? Do you have something similar? Is it worth the price? Does it make you happy?

Then lastly and most importantly, cost per wear makes all the difference! We all have those ‘bargains’ in our wardrobe that we bought in the sale but have only been worn once or not even seen the light of day. So completely not a bargain!

So if your pieces are a higher price point but they continue to give and bring you joy for years then that is a true bargain!

So small steps, it something I continue to address and challenge myself on.

If you feel challenged by this article and want to make this count, feel free to get in touch and we can talk through some of my services and help you spend less and look and feel better.


Trends S/S22


Set To Stay….