Key Trends for 2021

So I hear you ask `what’s new’ for this year on the fashion front? Well I’m excited to tell you that some of my favourite key trends are continuing from last year and we have some new ones…..which I’m a little bit apprehensive about!


So lets begin…….

Well we thought Balloon sleeves were big in 2020 and I’m super excited to announce that they are even bigger this year…excuse the pun! You know me, I just can’t get enough of the balloon sleeve and if that’s on a top, dress or little co-ord then I am all YES YES YES!


But don’t fret this isn’t the only thing coming back this year, it will be joined with Masks, tracksuits, leather, the 1990’s and most importantly romantic dresses. I know I know, your thinking how can masks be the next trend of 2021, but come on, they are not going anywhere for a while so we might as well make them trendy…..I’m all for it, if it gets rid of the surgical look and it goes with more of my wardrobe.

So part of the 90’s and early 2000’s we loved the whole low rise vibe and after the last 18 months of higher the better in jeans and trousers, we are going to spring back to the low rise waist. Now I used to love a low rise, but I’m worried after all these lockdowns how’s this going to work! Those high waisted boys were amazing to hold in my mum tum!

Colour and fabric is a big part of 2021 and the top materials are going to be leather and fishnet. Neo, candy pink and silver are big colours this year. These materials and colours will be intwined into a variety of different styles….watch out for those fishnet and leather dresses.

Don’t worry if you're not feeling the raw edge vibe, as you’re more the romantic or minimalistic vibe; these are much more present this season. Some of the top fashion houses are going strong with the tonal minimalistic


I think the trend that excites me the most is the “work trend”. I have good feelings about this one. You might be asking yourself what a work trend even is, but don’t stress your going to love it. Think ultra graphic details like pockets, belts and rivets. Its going to put the whole utility vibe into a spin.


Let me know if you want to hear more about what 2021 trends have instore for you personally. Drop me your details below and we can get you booked in and bang on trend for this year. Have a look through the services I offer and don’t wait, get excited for spring and contact me.


Preparing for Spring